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Divorce mediators must keep almost all information confidential

On Behalf of | Jul 6, 2017 | Divorce Mediation |

There are many reasons that people end up divorcing from each other in Texas. This generally is not the easiest of situations to go through. The couple goes through the process of splitting up their one life into two lives which can cause some conflict and disagreements. They also are doing this during a fairly emotional time and many decisions are made initially based on those emotions as opposed to sound reasonable choices.

Because of this many people may feel like they will never come to an agreement on all the issues and end up going through a trial. However, there are tools that the couple can utilize to help them reach agreements. One of these tools is divorce mediation. During this process a neutral third party mediator will help facilitate communication and settlement discussions. They can try and help each party understand the other’s position and help them find common ground.

In order for these mediations to be successful though, the parties must be open and honest about the situation. If they are not it is very difficult for either party to make an informed decision. So, to help each side feel comfortable enough to be open, the mediator must keep all information shared by the parties confidential, with a few exceptions. One is that, if required to do so, the mediator must inform the court of whether the mediation took place and whether the parties reached an agreement. Also, certain laws may require disclosure such as disclosing child abuse to the appropriate authorities.

Mediation can be a very effective tool for couples who are going through a divorce in Texas. Couples may realize that with the help of the mediator they are in fact able to reach agreements on issues that they originally did not think was possible. In order to facilitate the process, it is also a confidential process. Attorneys also may play an important role in the process to ensure that one knows the process and the ramifications of their decisions in mediation.

Source:, “Standards of practice and code of ethics” accessed on July 3, 2017
