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5 signs your marriage is at risk

On Behalf of | Feb 9, 2017 | Divorce |

Every relationship has its ups and downs, but it seems like lately you and your spouse have been fighting constantly. The fights also seem to be getting worse each time. Sometimes you only speak to each other to communicate about the kids. The last few years have been a blur of continuous fights about almost every aspect of your lives together.

Lately, you have been wondering if your marriage is doomed. In general, fighting is normal even if it seems like it is excessive. There are signs other than arguing that may indicate your marriage is heading for divorce. If you feel like divorce is your only option, consult a local Round Rock attorney that has experience with family law for advice on how to proceed.

Read below for five signs your marriage is at risk.

Feelings of apathy

If you are at a point where you feel nothing for your spouse, your relationship is definitely in danger. If the love has faded away, and is not due to anger or hurt feelings, it may be time to consider divorce.


If all your conversations about your spouse are full of negative commentary, then the chances are good it might be time to call it quits. This is especially true if you can only identify the things that your husband does wrong and cannot think of things that he does right. Furthermore, if you only speak to friends and family that validate and support your stance, divorce is probably in your future.


You might be doing everything you can to avoid your spouse. Spending all your time with people other than your husband or wife while avoiding dealing with marital issues can certainly lead to the end of your relationship.

Craving the single life

Fantasizing about being single or being in a relationship with another person is a sign that you have already decided that, at least subconsciously, the marriage is over. It is very possible to think or fantasize your way into divorce court.

The epiphany

If you have been striving to make your marriage work and you do not feel like you have made progress, or your spouse is not working at it just as hard, you may have a moment where everything becomes clear. You realize that staying in the marriage is no longer an option. You are no longer willing to put yourself through the emotional and physical stresses of remaining in a loveless relationship. If you have that epiphany, your marriage needs to change immediately or it may be time to end things.

Divorce can be very complicated, especially when you are dealing with the custody of children and property division. It is important that you understand your rights and options regarding a divorce settlement and custody agreement. Contact an experienced family law attorney in the Round Rock area for help in your divorce process.
