Depending on your financial health before, during and after your divorce, you may have little choice but to continue residing in your marital home with your ex-spouse. You hope the two of you get along, but you may not be sure of how to facilitate a peaceful shared living space.
Divorce Magazine provides tips for cohabiting with a former spouse. Understand how to survive your new chapter in life while getting your finances in order.
Remain respectful
It may be difficult, but try to communicate with your ex-spouse with respect. Act as though the two of you are business partners, using the same communication style at home that you would use at work. Approaching your ex with congeniality is especially vital if the two of you have shared children in the house with you.
Share the news with your kids
Speaking of shared children, inform them of your living arrangement. You and your ex may now sleep in separate rooms, which your kids are sure to notice. With younger children, let them know that the two of you feel more comfortable being and sleeping in separate rooms. Older children may be better equipped to handle the full truth of the situation, but you still do not have to dig into any sordid details surrounding your marital split.
Figure out finances
You and your former husband or wife still have household bills, so sit down and decide how you want to handle them all. Do you want to stick to the budget and payment system you had during your marriage, or would it be better to make minor adjustments? Just make sure neither of you makes major shifts to the budget without consulting the other.
Remaining in the same house with your former spouse is not impossible. See how these tips work for you.