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Top benefits of choosing mediation for your divorce

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2025 | Divorce Mediation |

Spouses preparing for divorce have many difficult decisions ahead of them. They have to resolve financial matters. If they share children, they need to work out custody and support matters.

Spouses also have to decide how they intend to manage the divorce process itself. In some cases, spouses litigate. They cannot agree on key issues, so they go to family court to resolve their disputes. Others attempt to pursue uncontested divorces. Those spouses may agree to attend mediation as a way of resolving their disagreements outside of court. Mediating a divorce offers the potential for several valuable benefits for spouses.

A faster divorce timeline

Securing time in family court often requires patience. People generally have to wait months for a hearing in front of a family law judge. The more disputes they need to settle through litigation, the longer the process may take. Mediation allows spouses to resolve their disagreements with one another quickly. They then only need to attend a hearing to finalize the divorce. Spouses who want to complete the divorce process as quickly as possible may find that mediation is their best option.

Lower total divorce costs

Spouses who attend mediation have to pay for the services of a mediator. However, that expense pales in comparison to the cost of a litigated divorce. The more issues spouses have to resolve in court, the higher the final price tag for their divorce proceedings. Spouses who successfully mediate can limit how much they spend on their divorce by limiting how much time they require in family court.

Enhanced privacy and control

Many spouses choose mediation because they have personal matters to discuss that could have a bearing on the best solutions for their families. Divorce mediation provides a confidential environment in which spouses can discuss marital issues. The spouses also have control over the terms set. Instead of allowing a judge to make all of the major decisions for the family, the spouses can focus on the terms that are the most important for their long-term happiness and stability.

Decreased conflict

Litigated divorces generally result in heightened conflict levels. Spouses view one another as adversaries, which can worsen the dynamic they already have. In many cases, conflict can become so intense that it starts to affect the mental health of the spouses, as well as their relationships with other people. Mediation requires communication and compromise, which can help people keep the level of conflict lower.

Learning about how family law mediation can benefit those going through a divorce can help people evaluate their options. Agreeing to attend divorce mediation is sometimes the best option available for those preparing for divorce.
