Gray divorce, or a divorce that occurs between spouses who are over the age of 50 and who have been married for a significant period of time, is often different from divorce earlier in life. People may only have a few years left until retirement or they already have...
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Round Rock Family Legal Blog
3 retirement resources people often worry about during gray divorces
Gray divorces between those over the age of 50 who have stayed married for many years are more common now than they used to be. There are many benefits to divorcing when in an unhappy marriage, not the least of which is an overall improved quality of life. However,...
How can divorce improve your life?
People sometimes worry about the negative side of divorce. How will they make ends meet on one income? How are they going to divide parenting time with their children? It is important to consider these types of questions and concerns. But you also want to think about...
What if you can’t co-parent?
Co-parenting is a common way that parents of minor children, who are no longer romantically linked, manage their situation. This is what most ex-couples manage to do with varying degrees of ease and success. They cooperate in the raising of their child. In some cases,...
2 ways to modify a Texas custody order and 1 that doesn’t work
The terms set in a Texas custody order will have a major impact on the affected family. Obviously, the division of parenting time has a profound influence on the relationships that the adults maintain with their children. Usually, it is necessary for those who divorce...
Is sole custody common in Texas?
In Texas, legal custody is referred to as conservatorship. According to Texas law, when parents dissolve their marriage, they should typically be named joint managing conservators. This means they raise the child and make decisions concerning education and healthcare...
Do co-parents ever keep the house together?
It is very common for divorced couples to sell their family home. They may be co-parents who are raising children in that home together. But the divorce has changed their plans and so they sell the house and move on. One of the major reasons that people do sell the...
3 tips for protecting the kids when co-parenting with an addict
A family member who is struggling with addiction can create a variety of challenges. Money that could support a decent standard of living might go toward purchasing alcohol or drugs. Someone who could help around the house or contribute to the upbringing of children...
How long does spousal maintenance last in Texas?
One spouse often earns more than the other during a marriage. In fact, it is still somewhat common for someone to give up their outside earning potential to take care of the family. They may forgo outside employment to raise the children or maintain the household....
Can you still move if you share custody?
Sharing custody can limit your freedom in some ways after a divorce. You have to take the custody order into account. If your ex also has parental rights and/or assigned parenting time, it needs to be respected. For example, it can sometimes be difficult to move. If...